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Check out below some of the most frequently asked questions about our services. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us by email or call us on 508-539-8048.
Do I need to pull a permit for my driveway?A permit only needs to be pulled for new or existing driveways that will tie into a paved state or county road.
When can I drive on my new asphalt driveway?We recommend staying off the driveway for 2 days for the curing process to finigsh and for the asphalt to get firm. It is also recommended to not park on the pavement for up to 1 week, especially during hot temperatures. You can walk on the asphalt anytime and it will not hurt it! Due to commercial paving projects having 2 layers of asphalt they can be driven on within a day.
How long does it take to install a new driveway?Usually we can do it all on the same day. Depending on the schedule. Weather of course is a factor that gets in the way sometimes also! If there is going to be a couple of days between grading and paving, you can still drive on your driveway to not cause an inconvenience.
How thick should my asphalt be?Residential Driveways - should have a 4 - 5 inch gravel base prior to paving. Asphalt is only as good as what is underneath it! The Cape Cod has a lot of clay which can cuase problems later on. The asphalt when rolled should be 2.5 to 3 inches thick. Commercial Parking Lots - Parking lots and subdivision roads should have a minimum 6 inch gravel base due to heavy traffic & large machinery that will drive on it. The asphalt should be placed in 2 layers at 2.5 inches of asphalt per layer (referred to as 2 course) resulting in 5 inch thick asphalt. Asphalt is placed in 2 layers for this type of project for better compaction. Commercial jobs vary depending on what is required by management, state, etc.
How long will my asphalt driveway last?A driveway should last for 15 - 20 years depending on the sub base, amount of traffic, maintenance and water damage. These factors effect the life expectancy of a driveway that are beyond a paving contractors control. Parking lots and subdivision roads usually last the same length of time as a driveway but may require more maintenance due to much higher traffic.
What is done to prevent weeds from growing thru my asphalt?Prior to grading, we sometimes spray weed killer where the driveway will be placed. This kills the organic growth. If stubborn weeds do come up, spraying this weed killer or RoundUp will take care of it.
How do I maintain my asphalt?PATCHING - Low spots in the asphalt usually are the first areas of deterioration. These areas can be saw cut out and patched with new asphalt. Patching should also be done prior to sealcoating. CRACK FILLING - If you notice cracks in your asphalt, the first preventative maintenance is to have it hot rubber crack filled. This is done to driveways and parking lots by cleaning the cracks and filling with a hot rubber substance to prevent water & dirt from deteriorating the rest of the asphalt. This process is also done prior to seal coating. SEALCOATING - Your driveway should be sealcoated within a year of installation. It is recommended to wait at least 90 - 120 days after installation to allow adequate cure time. Most driveways should be sealcoated every other year - depending on volume of traffic and weather. A typical parking lot usually does not require sealcoating for approximately 2 years after installation. Sealcoating also protects asphalt from oil and gas spills which can deteriorate the asphalt and is usually done more on driveways for appearance. OVERLAYING - Overlays are generally done when the asphalt has deteriorated beyond fixing with crack filling, patching and sealcoating. We would then recommend paving a 1.5 inch cap on the existing asphalt. This type of maintenance only pertains to certain situations - otherwise - tearing out the existing asphalt and placing new asphalt is sometimes the best choice. BANKING - Keeping the soil banked along the edges of the asphalt will keep the edges from cracking away. At the time of bid this option will be discussed and can be added to your bid if you would like our company to do it. We can always be hired to come back and maintain it also.
What is sealer?Use sealcoat to extend the life and improve the aesthetics of the asphalt surface. With age, asphalt oxidizes and eventually becomes brittle. Such asphalt is also susceptible to erosion from rain, irrigation run-off, and traffic patterns, sealcoat prevents oxidation in asphalt and acts as a wearing course. Furthermore, sealcoat changes the look of dull-gray old asphalt to a vibrant jet-black surface.
My car left tire print marks and also a circular mark in my new driveway. Are these permanent?Tire marks are caused when you turn your car’s steering wheel while the car is stationary. If it is a hot day and the asphalt has not completely cured, the surface will get a circular blemish or even show a tire pattern. If this occurs simply tapping the area with your foot or a flat object will often correct the mark. Over time, most of this will disappear but be cautious when turning on your new asphalt surface.
Can I use my sprinkler system before or after my driveway be sealed?No! Please make sure your sprinkler system is turned OFF 24 hours priors to sealing and 48 hours after sealing. This will wash away the sealer.
Can the sealcoating application repair depressions, humps or broken asphalt in my driveway? "No! Sealcoating is not intended to repair any aspect of the asphalt surface or base. Sealer is mostly a cosmetic procedure to give the driveway a look better.
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